What can I do to make my Ceratosaurus's have a good comfort level?. < … An unusual feature of Ceratosaurus was the dermal armour in the middle of its back. Many fans consider this Hasbro’s best effort and I kinda agree. Ceratosaurus is part of the Jurassic World wave 2 line. They just got upset and broke out everytime. Ceratosaurus is a Dinosaur in Jurassic World Evolution. Summary Ceratosaurus was a large theropod dinosaur. Check out Jurassic World dinosaurs on Amazon. Ceratosaurus will accept up to 3 in one pen, and Spinosaurus will accept up to 2. I tried live goats and even sacrificing some herbivores but they were never comfortable. Jurassic World Evolution is out and it's a lot of fun, but one thing the game never really makes clear is what dinosaurs can live together - from different sizes to mixing herbivore or carnivore. Corythosaurus is the most common dinosaur in terms of fossils, being found in more dig sites than any other species. It possessed an unusual configuration of hornlets over its eyes, and a blade shaped horn on its snout. There are some design elements and colours that are very similar to the Jurassic Park III version of this dinosaur.